Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Christmas is concerning to draw closer yet again. Many peoples said Christmas is only on every 25th of December but for me everyday is Christmas:-) You know why? Because I strongly believe that Christmas is the time to learn by heart of His ultimate purpose and why He came into this world, lives as one of us, and grants us a gift of freedom..
He loves you and me.

I have a few pictures here to share.. They were taken during the Christmas in 2006 at Subang Parade. This is the second time my church invited to perform a Christmas Carols here..
Grace team performing Christmas Carols

Alip, Esther and Janelle

Janelle, Esther and me

After the caroling we went to Sunway Pyramid

I am the gift for christmas ;-)

Ada macam kembar siam ka?

Alip and Pemancha Jerry

Wow they are so beautiful... i mean the deers behind lah :-)

Sekarang kekiutan yaya sudah dirampas oleh sang tuta..

This is not Jared hah... Jared is on the way from Heaven.. masa ni lah..

Yaya's parents..

My church members

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